Pediatric Dental Extraction Forceps

Pediatric dental extraction forceps are a specialized type of dental instrument used to extract primary teeth from children. They are smaller and more delicate than traditional dental

Pediatric dental extraction forceps are a specialized type of dental instrument use to extract primary teeth from children. They are smaller and more delicate than traditional dental extraction forceps, and are designe to minimize trauma to the child’s gums and jawbone.

Pediatric dental extraction forcep are typically made of stainless steel and have a curved handle. The beaks of the forceps are designed to fit snugly around the tooth to be extracted, and the handle is used to apply gentle pressure to remove the tooth.

Pediatric dental extraction forcep are used for a variety of reasons, including:

  • To remove teeth that are loose or decayed beyond repair
  • To remove teeth that are blocking the growth of permanent teeth
  • To remove teeth that are causing pain or infection

If your child needs to have a tooth extracted, their dentist will use pediatric dental extraction forceps to ensure a safe and comfortable procedure.

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